
Revision of Interest Rates for DBS Multiplier, BOC SmartSaver and UOB One Account from 1 August 2020

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - July 31, 2020
With the interest rate cut by US Fed, the era of high-interest yielding savings accounts is coming to an end. With effect from 1 August 2020, 3 more financial institutions will be revising the interest rates of their savings accounts, namely the DBS Multiplier, BOC Smartsaver and UOB One Account. This article aims to provide an overview of the upcoming changes, how the...

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[Python] How does the Straits Times Index perform during Election?

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - July 11, 2020
The 2020 General Election results solidify as legions of election officials worked tirelessly for hours to count all 2.5 millions votes through the night. And since it is election year, there may be a steady stream of opinions from pundits and prognosticators about how the political uncertainty of elections can weigh on stock markets. Still, it does offer a thought-provoking idea to explore the impact general elections have...

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Portfolio Review for June 2020

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - July 01, 2020
In the second quarter of the year, the US stock markets have staged a strong rebound from the massive sell-off in late March, which subsequently trailed off to a "Kangaroo market" as cited by CNBC. This is likely due to a mixture of optimism and pessimism. The former could be driven by the reopening of economies and stimulus measures and the latter was induced...

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