
How Much Have I Saved on Electricity Bill?

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - May 15, 2021
With the nationwide launch of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) back in 2018, I have made the switch to an electricity retailer, Geneco in March 2019. It was a fixed price electricity plan at 17.78 cents/kWh for a contract duration of 24 months. The alternative that was on the table was a 22% discount off the electricity tariff. Now as the contract has expired, I have consolidated sufficient...

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Introducing a Virtual Assistant for SG Stock Queries

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - April 16, 2021
In order to keep myself updated on the financial information of SGX listed companies, I used to install a plethora of investment applications on my mobile device, such as Bloomberg and Yahoo Finance to name a few. However, it can get a little messy, often painting an incomplete picture when the information that I was searching for exists in bits and pieces from various sources. And...

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2020 In Review

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - January 30, 2021
2020 was a year unlike any other. Just barely months into it, the world was consumed by the coronavirus pandemic as we knew it. The COVID-19 has upended most of the normal routines in our lives and work. Wearing face masks has now formed an integral part of our outfits when out in public places. Working from home arrangement has become the default mode of working.As the pandemic reshapes the contours of our lives, many...

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