With a blink of an eye, we have now come to the end of the March. This also marks the end of the 1st quarter of 2018. For the market, March can be described as a month of volatility with the STI dropping 2.44% from 3,513.85 to 3,427.97, occasionally crossing the 3,300 range during the last few days of the month. On the...
Overview of Integrated Shield Plans (Premium Comparison Table for all 6 insurers included)
By The Boy Who Procrastinates - March 17, 2018

Following from the previous post on the Pyramid of Insurance Needs, I will touch on the Hospitalization component of the pyramid in this post. Citing a common saying: "One can die, but cannot fall ill", it underscores the growing concerns of the high healthcare cost in Singapore. In my opinion, hospital bills can potentially have a devastating impact to your wealth. While I...

To kick start the series of financial blog posts, we have to first address the elephant in the room: Insurance. This also came as a request from my girlfriend (also my loyal reader) who is in the midst of finding the right insurance products for herself. I can understand that this is not an exciting topic as compared to investment, and probably due to...