
Revision of Terms and Conditions for Citi MaxiGain Account from 2 Dec 2019

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - November 30, 2019
It was with disappointment and dismay that I have received the letter from Citibank, notifying the upcoming changes to be made to their prized savings account. Following the recent change on 2 January, Citibank will be revising the terms and conditions on the Citi MaxiGain Account for the second time with effect from 2 December 2019.  This article aims to provide an overview of the upcoming changes and how the...

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National Steps Challenge Season 5 Is Back!

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - November 23, 2019
It sure has been a while since I last wrote a post as I have been caught up with travel plans and fulfillment of the annual NS obligation. To reignite the writing momentum, this will be about something lighthearted — the National Step Challenge!  In order to combat the growing epidemic of sedentary lifestyles, I strive to maintain a regular exercise regime. Now, with...

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