
Thinking, Fast and Slow - Endowment Effect

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - May 19, 2019
Following the previous 2 book reviews on Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, with respect to the subjects of anchoring effect and prospect theory, I will be sharing on another concept which is likely to be innately relatable to most of us.  Have you ever noticed that most babies may throw violent tantrums when deprived of items they considered theirs? Undoubtedly, our...

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[P2P] Statistical Review of Funding Societies After 100 Completed Loans

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - May 11, 2019
At the time when robo-advisory is making its way into mainstream investing, Singapore has witnessed a burgeoning peer-to-peer ("P2P") lending industry which opens up a myriad of opportunities for investors eyeing an alternative income stream.  Ever since the launch of Singapore's first P2P campaign in 2014, the concept of P2P financing has taken its roots over the years, contributing to a rising trend of...

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