
The Other Side of T2023-S$ Temasek Bond

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - October 26, 2018
The application for the T2023-S$ Temasek Bond has closed on 23 Oct. With aggressive marketing for the past two weeks, information on the 5-year bond can be easily accessible on the Temasek website.  The public offer has seen a subscription rate of over 8 times whereas the tranche for institutional investors was 7.19 times subscribed. Despite the euphoria around the Temasek's first retail bond, it has received...

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Revision of Interest Rates for OCBC 360 Account

By The Boy Who Procrastinates - October 12, 2018
With the enhanced version first launched in April 2014, OCBC will be revising the interest rates on OCBC 360 Account for the third time with effect from 1 November 2018. This article aims to provide an overview of the upcoming changes and whether the existing account holders stand to benefit from the revision. You may also wish to refer to the OCBC website for more...

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